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question:w many times can I refill a plastic bottle of water before it becomes unusable?

answer:Reusing a plastic water bottle for carrying drinking water is not a particularly good idea - as others here have pointed out, the plastic deteriorates and breaks down. I use a steel reusable bottle to carry water. However, on the odd occasion that I’ve had to buy water in a single-use plastic bottle, I always take the bottle home to repurpose it. I’ve found that these slim plastic bottles work well for storing dry foods like rice, lentils, etc. (in fact, anything that will fit through the narrow neck). They take up much less room in the cupboard than do jars which are wider. This means you can fit more dried foods into the cupboard than you are able to if you store these dry goods in jars.

question:Why do people vape?

answer:an alternative to smoking :several pieces of research and scientific studies have indicated that [LINKED_TEXT: e-cigs] [URL:] are considerably less hazardous than the traditional tobacco cigarettes because they don’t contain tar or any of the dozens of carcinogens found in tobacco. or as a medical and relaxation therapy, Many herbalists use marijuana vaporizers for minimizing medical conditions and symptoms including chronic pain, migraines, chemotherapy recovery, and more.

question:What are the musthave iPhone apps? Why?

answer:Here are my 8 must-have Apps for your iPhone that you'll want to download: 1. Google Maps (Free) 2. BillGuard (Free) 3. Buffer (Free) 4. Dashlane (Free) 5. Zillow (Free) 6. Fooducate (Free) 7. Sleep Cycle (1.99) 8. Dropbox (Free) 1. Google Maps (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you find restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do, as well as locate your current location. I use this app all the time in order to get directions. I also use it as a reference tool in case I'm looking at a place and I want to see what the best route to get there is. 2. BillGuard (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you keep track of your bills, so you know when to pay them. This app's a must-have because it will alert you when your bill is coming. I use it when I'm in Starbucks or McDonald's because I'm not always the most careful about what I'm spending my money on. It's also useful for keeping track of your business expenses. 3. Buffer (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you schedule your social media posts. In my opinion, this is the best app for getting on social media. I use this app everyday to post on my social media accounts. It's also great for scheduling posts. 4. Dashlane (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you keep your personal information safe and secure. I use this app to organize my passwords and keep track of my different accounts. It's also a good way to keep track of your receipts and store your credit card information. 5. Zillow (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you keep track of your homes and properties in case you are thinking of selling or buying. Zillow has been around for years, and it's become a trusted source for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals. As a result, Zillow is one of the most popular sites for listing a home for sale or rent. 6. Fooducate (Free) This is an iPhone app that helps you keep track of your diet and nutrition. It has a feature that allows you to scan food barcodes straight from the shelf. The app loads the nutritional information of the product and provides the product grade. 7. Sleep Cycle (1.99) This is an iPhone app that helps you sleep better. Tracks your sleep cycles by listening to your heartbeat. It analyzes those sounds with the help of ever-evolving machine learning algorithms, and presents you with information and helps you understand your sleep with unique data analysis and graphs. 8. Dropbox (Free) With this app, you won't have to worry about regular back-ups or saving the latest versions of your documents to your desktop. Files in the Dropbox app automatically sync between your devices, making remote access simple and efficient. Previous versions of the document can be easily retrieved as well as accessed from anywhere. Thanks for reading this far.

question:What's it like to have a 150 IQ? Is life easier? What are the advantages you feel you have over others? Are there any disadvantages?

answer:Okay hi.. my name is Truly… I will be discussing my experience with a highly gifted IQ.. I've took many many IQ tests( mensa, wechler, etc) ranging from 149 - 157 HOW I LEARN; I essentially learn by having by coming to the conclusion myself rather than just being told the answer and that is a pro and a con since I'm authentic but depending on how complex the concept is “slow” but I definitely see the flaws in my intellect… which falls into Flaws in intellect; lmy memory ~ I need to be invested to remember it otherwise I will not at all… but I will recall it when it is brought back up but re forget… which also builds bad habits of not needing to study since it's something I can retain when re introduced… another flaw in my intellect is my Spatial reasoning ~ it is only efficient when its an a intuitive concept for example… if someone was explaining or telling a story I will visually see it and feel it's emotion almost perfectly but when it's something like “put this cube together” it's barely above average Strengths in intellect: My Logical reasoning is very profound; I've been on par and or above people with 160+ IQ Logical reasoning… how I scale this is with “conversation” when me and a person are having a conversation and its something complex I ask myself who is winning this conversation ( meaning who is refuting and or adding on the most ideas, while interested ) and I also take into account who had the most prep to the conversation like did this person study this as prerequisite to this conversation… or did they just hear about this while I had prep… but regardless who I am talking too I've never falling behind to the point I understand what's being told to me.. even when I talk to my cousin with a 164 IQ and he is older and more experienced and wise being 32 while I am 16 I've never falling short since being 15 ( no age earlier tho ) but yes I gave extremely good Logical reasoning. The rest is pretty average for someone with a 150 + IQ Things I am fascinated by: I love psychology, philosophy, and theoretical sciences. When it comes down to psychology not only is this very innate for me ( having a 150+ IQ but high EQ being 145 ish ) psychology and it's core principles fits my intuitive thoughts perfectly since I was 2 or 3.. Philosophy is something I absolutely love it gets me to think 🤔 and think and expand my way of thinking but I've never been unable to answer a single philosophical question I was ever dealt with.. theoretical science is what I've just gotten into ( few weeks ) I've been able to come to conclusions that almost no one would think a 16yr would come to… like no one.. I've formulated and Conceptualised a lot of new and re used concepts… which is why I say “almost every thought we come up with is just borrowed but we interpret it differently” but I've tied in reasoning with people 160 and 170 IQ in end results though… I have the internet (though I wouldve came to the conclusion regardless) at disposal while they had to read books and or come up with it raw thought.. But yeah this is loaded response about my life ( past 7 or so months) In conclusion I'm relative to people with 160 - 170 IQ though I feel like very close equal to elon musk but below any genius above him

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