question:Short movie review: an accessible introduction as well as Did the critic thinking positively or negatively of the movie? OPTIONS: negative positive
answer:Movie review: The critic's thoughts were positive about the movie.
question:Q: What measure of distance described the nearness of the Angel's approach to Mohammad? A: Then he drew nigh and came down till he was (distant) two bows' length or even nearer. Does the answer correctly answer the question OPTIONS: yes no
question:am happy , and I get to watch it again before I ' m off to Canada!Then there was dinner , which was n't bad in and of itself , except that Daughter Two left her purse at the restaurant . The next day I went to retrieve it , and it was missing all the cash that she had had in it . D#2 was given 25 a day to spend at con , and saved it instead . Question: How may I feeling during this post ? OPTIONS: Sad None of the above choices . Happy Angry
answer:Based on the given text, you are feeling happy.
question:Please answer this question: who won season 6 of worst cooks in america?
answer:The winner of season 6 of Worst Cooks in America was Anne Burrell's recruit, Christina Fitzgerald.