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question:curl первые 100 строк

answer:Чтобы получить первые 100 строк из файла с помощью `curl`, вам необходимо использовать опцию `-r` с указанием диапазона строк. Допустим, у вас есть URL файла ``, и вы хотите получить первые 100 строк. Вот как будет выглядеть команда `curl`: ``` curl -r 0-99 ``` Эта команда отправляет запрос на сервер для получения диапазона строк с 0 до 99 (первые 100 строк) из файла `file.txt`.

question:who is emmanuel macron ?

answer:Emmanuel Macron is a French politician who currently serves as the President of France. He was born on December 21, 1977, in Amiens, France. Macron studied philosophy at Paris Nanterre University, before attending the prestigious École nationale d'administration (ENA), where he graduated with a master's degree in public affairs. Macron started his career in the public sector, working as an Inspector of Finances, and later serving as Deputy Secretary-General to the President of France, François Hollande, from 2012 to 2014. In 2014, Macron was appointed Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Affairs under Prime Minister Manuel Valls. In 2016, he resigned from the government and founded his own political party En Marche! (Onwards!) to run in the French presidential election. Macron won the elections in 2017, becoming the youngest president in French history at the age of 39. He has been known for his centrist policies and pro-European stance.

question:Write me a script for a poor farmer in the village of Asia

answer:Title: Seeds of Hope Characters: - Ram (Poor farmer) - Nisha (Ram's wife) - Shyam (Ram's neighbor) - Pooja (Local merchant) - Ravi (The Village Elder) Scene 1: Ram's Dilapidated Farm - Morning (Ram is working on his tiny farm, feeling tired and dejected) Ram: (Murmuring to himself) Oh, these barren lands and the never-ending struggles. How will we provide for our family? Nisha: (Enters with a worried expression) Ram, the children are hungry again, and we have nothing left to eat. Ram: (Sighing) I know, Nisha. I've tried everything, but the drought has destroyed our crops. We may not survive this year. (Scene transitions with Ram and Nisha in their small house, looking helpless and distressed) Scene 2: Ram Visits Shyam's Farm (Ram goes to visit Shyam, another farmer in the village) Shyam: Ram, my friend, you look troubled. What brings you here? Ram: Shyam, I have seen better days. Our harvest failed, and we are struggling to feed our family. I have no idea what to do anymore. Shyam: Ram, it's tough for all of us. But have you heard of the new seeds available at Pooja's shop? They claim to be drought-resistant and yield productive crops. Ram: (Lighting up with hope) Do you really think they would make a difference? Shyam: It's our only chance. Let's go together to talk to Pooja and see if they are affordable. Scene 3: Pooja's Store (Ram and Shyam enter Pooja's store) Pooja: Welcome, Ram and Shyam. What brings you here? Ram: Pooja, we heard about the special seeds you are selling. Can they really save our farms? Pooja: My friends, these seeds have been developed to thrive even in harsh conditions. Yes, they come at a cost, but I understand your situation. I will offer them to you at a discounted price. Ram: (With gratitude) Thank you, Pooja. With these seeds, we may just have a fighting chance. Scene 4: Ram and Shyam Prepare for Planting (Ram and Shyam return to their farms, hopeful and motivated) Ram: Nisha, our luck may turn around. Pooja gave us a discount on the seeds. Let's get to work immediately and prep the land for planting. Nisha: (Smiling) Ram, I believe in you. Together, we can endure this trial. (Scene shifts to Ram, Nisha, and Shyam tilling the soil and planting the new seeds) Scene 5: Harvest Celebration (Several months later, Ram's farm is flourishing with bountiful crops. The villagers gather for a small celebration) Ravi: Friends, we have witnessed the resilience of our farmers today. Despite adversities, they have yielded a plentiful harvest. Ram: (Addressing the villagers with gratitude) Today, we celebrate hope and the support of our community. In our darkest hour, we found a way to feed our families, thanks to the seeds and the compassion of Pooja. (Villagers cheer and applaud) (Scene ends with villagers joining Ram and Nisha in a feast, symbolizing their triumph over adversity) [Note: While this script attempts to present an uplifting story, it is important to remember that reality can be much more complex and challenging for individuals in poverty-stricken areas. The script aims to highlight the value of resilience and community support.]

question:who its the famous person in the world

answer:The most famous person in the world is subjective and can vary depending on personal opinions and interests. However, some widely recognized famous individuals include actors like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, musicians like Taylor Swift, athletes like Cristiano Ronaldo, and public figures like Elon Musk and Barack Obama.

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