question:Cómo se llama billetera virtual de binance
answer:La billetera virtual de Binance se llama "Binance Wallet". Binance Wallet es un servicio de billetera cryptocurrency que permite a los usuarios almacenar, administrar y enviar varias criptomonedas. La billetera también es compatible con la funcionalidad de cifrado avanzada y la autenticación de 2 factores para garantizar la seguridad de los fondos de criptomonedas. Además, Binance Wallet está integrada con la plataforma de intercambio Binance, lo que permite una gestión de fondos simplificada y una experiencia de usuario más fluida para los comerciantes y los inversores de criptomonedas.
question:i have a code in c for stm32f103c6 can you help me understand it?
answer:Sure, I can help you understand the code you have for STM32F103C6. However, before we begin, it's important to note that understanding code requires a basic understanding of programming concepts, the STM32F103C6 microcontroller, and the programming environment being used. Assuming you have this basic knowledge, let's start by looking at the code. Please provide the code here or share it using a code-sharing service like GitHub or Pastebin.
question:#include "stm32f10x.h" #include<stdbool.h> #define bits 7 #define prescaler 16 #define pinNo 9 uint8_t message[]="print. "; uint16_t tData, tdCount, tcCount; bool txBusy=0;//either 1 or 0 void PwrRccInit(void); void GPIOInit(void); void gpioIntInit(void); void square(void); void send7(uint16_t a); void puts(uint8_t* a); int main(){ uint32_t a; PwrRccInit(); GPIOInit(); gpioIntInit(); GPIOB->ODR = 0x0004; while(1){ // send7('m'); puts(message); for(a=0; a<200000; a++); } } void send7(uint16_t a){ tData = (a<<1) | (1<<(bits+1)); tdCount=0;//tedad bit ha ra mishomarad tcCount=prescaler-1;// 16 ta mishmarad // EXTI->IMR = 1<<pinNo; txBusy = 1;//mashghoul ferestdan } void puts(uint8_t* a){ while(*a){ while(txBusy==1); send7(*(a++)); } } void PwrRccInit(void){ PWR->CR = 0x00000000; PWR->CSR = 0x00000000; RCC->CR = 0x00000083; RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000; RCC->CIR = 0x00000000; } void GPIOInit(void){ RCC->APB2ENR = 0x0000000c ; RCC->APB2RSTR |= 0x0000000c ; RCC->APB2RSTR &= ~(0x0000000c); GPIOA->CRL = 0x22222222 ; GPIOA->CRH = 0x44444444 ; GPIOB->CRL = 0x44442222 ; GPIOB->CRH = 0x44444444 ; } void gpioIntInit(void){ //GPIO pin Interrrupt RCC->APB2ENR|=0x0001; AFIO->EXTICR[2]=0x0010; //interrupt from port B pin 9 EXTI->IMR = 1<<pinNo; //bit to generate interrup is defined by pinNo EXTI->EMR = 0<<pinNo; //no event EXTI->RTSR = 0<<pinNo; //rising edge(no) EXTI->FTSR = 1<<pinNo; //falling edge interrupt EXTI->PR = 1<<pinNo; //clear pending interrupts EXTI->SWIER = 0<<pinNo; //no software interrupt NVIC_EnableIRQ(EXTI9_5_IRQn); } void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void){ EXTI->PR = 1<<pinNo; //clear pending interrupts if(txBusy==1){ if((++tcCount)>=prescaler){ if((tdCount)<(bits+2)){ if((tData & (1<<tdCount))==(1<<tdCount)) GPIOB->ODR |= 0x0004; else GPIOB->ODR &= ~(0x0004); tdCount++; } else{ // EXTI->IMR = 0; txBusy = 0; } tcCount=0; } } }
answer:This code is written for STM32F103C6 microcontroller. It includes the following functionalities: 1. Defining constants for bits, prescaler and pin number. 2. Initializing power and reset clocks (PwrRccInit function). 3. Initializing GPIOs (GPIOInit function). 4. Initializing pin interrupts and setting up GPIO pin interrupts (gpioIntInit and EXTI9_5_IRQHandler functions). 5. A function for sending a 7-bit word. 6. A function for sending a string. The main function contains a loop that sends a message "print." repeatedly. Here is a brief breakdown of some of the important parts of the code: 1. GPIO initialization: In the GPIOInit() function, GPIO pins are configured as input, output, or alternate function. GPIO pins are represented by 32-bit registers where the lower 16 bits configure the pin as an input or output and the upper 16 bits configure the pin alternate function. 2. Pin interrupts: In the gpioIntInit() function, the EXTI9_5_IRQHandler function is set up as the interrupt handler. In the EXTI9_5_IRQHandler function, the interrupt is cleared using the Pending Register (PR) and the GPIO pin is checked to see if it is currently busy. If the GPIO pin is currently busy, its state is determined, and the appropriate action is carried out. 3. Sending 7-bit data: In the send7 function, 7-bit data is sent and the state of the GPIO pin is accessed. If the pin is low, the data is sent to the output, and if it is high, the data remains idle. 4. Sending a string: The puts function sends a string by continuously calling the send7 function for each character in the string until the entire string has been sent. I hope this helps you understand the code better. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
question:what does this line do:tcCount=prescaler-1;// 16 ta mishmarad?
answer:In the line "tcCount=prescaler-1;//16 ta mishmarad", "prescaler" is a constant defined earlier as 16, and "tcCount" is a variable used to keep track of the number of clock cycles that have occurred. This line sets "tcCount" to a value of 15, which is 1 less than the value of "prescaler". This is because it's being used as a counter to keep track of the number of clock cycles that have occurred, and the counter starts from 0. So, when the counter reaches 15, it means that 16 clock cycles have occurred (0 to 15), and then it resets back to 0. This counter is used to control the timing of the signal.