answer:欧盟的一般数据保护条例(GDPR)是一项关于数据保护和隐私权的法律,适用于所有在欧洲经济区(EEA)内处理个人数据的个人和组织。以下是其中一些重要条款: 1. 个人数据的定义:GDPR 扩大了个人数据的定义,包括任何与已识别或可识别的自然人(被称为数据主体)相关的信息。 2. 数据主体的权利:GDPR 明确了数据主体拥有的一系列权利,如访问、更正、删除(被遗忘权)、限制处理、携带和反对处理。 3. 缺省隐私和隐私设计原则:GDPR 要求在产品和服务的设计和开发阶段就考虑和整合隐私原则。 4. 数据保护影响评估:处理可能对个人权利和自由产生高风险的数据时,组织需进行数据保护影响评估。 5. 数据处理者和数据控制者:GDPR 区分了数据处理者(处理数据的组织)和数据控制者(决定如何和为何处理数据的组织),为两者分别规定了责任和义务。 6. 合法性处理原则:GDPR 规定了六个合法性处理原则,数据处理必须符合至少一项原则,如:获得数据主体的同意、履行合同义务、符合法律义务或保护数据主体或他人的重要利益。 7. 明确和自由同意:组织必须以清晰、易于理解的方式征求数据主体的同意,且同意必须是自由、具体、知情和明确表述。 8. 数据泄露通报:数据控制者在知晓数据泄露事件后 72 小时内向监管机构报告,并在必要时告知受影响的数据主体。 9. 儿童数据保护:针对未满 16 岁儿童的数据收集,需要获取其监护人的同意。 10. 跨境数据传输:根据 GDPR,将个人数据传输到欧盟以外的国家需满足一定条件,如确保目标国家具备足够的数据保护水平。 11. 数据保护官:GDPR 要求部分组织任命一名数据保护官,负责监督和协助组织遵守 GDPR 规定。 12. 罚款和惩罚:违反 GDPR 规定的组织将面临高达全球年度营收 4% 或 2000 万欧元(两者中较高者)的罚款。 这些只是 GDPR 中的一部分条款,整个法规涉及内容极为丰富,旨在加强个人数据的保护和隐私权。
answer:被遗忘权(Right to be Forgotten,也称为删除权)在某些情况下可能与防止经济犯罪的努力相冲突。遗忘权是 GDPR 所规定的一项数据主体权利,允许个人要求删除与他们相关的数据。然而,在与经济犯罪调查相关的上下文中,这种冲突可能危及到公共利益和法律执法。 以下情况可能出现冲突: 1. 可能删除有关欺诈或贪污的重要信息,使执法部门难以追踪和起诉犯罪嫌疑人。 2. 金融机构可能无法保留足够的客户信息来确保知您客户(KYC)和反洗钱(AML)方面的合规。 3. 对于涉及政府或企业腐败的案件,删除权可能被用于消除证据或误导调查。 然而,值得注意的是,GDPR 及其他类似法规也考虑到了此类冲突。在 GDPR 第17条中规定,数据主体在若干特定情况下拥有被遗忘权,其中包括: 1. 个人数据不再适用于目的; 2. 数据处理者已经违反了 GDPR 规定处理数据; 3. 数据主体撤回了处理数据的明确同意,且无其他法律依据继续处理。 然而,同时 GDPR 规定如果处理数据符合某些特定目的,如公共利益、法律要求、出版自由以及识别、执行或为法律事务提供法律主张时,则数据主体无权要求删除数据。这些例外情况可以确保在打击经济犯罪等领域的执法努力不受被遗忘权利的影响。 因此,在应用被遗忘权时,需要在数据主体的权益与法律执法、公共利益等之间进行平衡。实际操作中,权衡是否删除信息需要根据具体情况和法律规定来判断。
question:10 tips for writers on how to make love triangles intriguing.
answer:1. Establish well-developed and complex characters: Instead of relying on clichés or stereotypes, create characters with distinct personalities, motivations, and conflicts. This will help the reader become invested in the love triangle and care about the outcome. 2. Avoid predictable outcomes: Keep the reader guessing about the final outcome of the love triangle. Keeping them in suspense will make the story more intriguing and engaging. 3. Set clear stakes: Make sure that the consequences of the love triangle are apparent and significant to the characters involved. This includes both emotional and situational stakes, such as potential heartbreak or complications to their existing relationships. 4. Focus on character growth: Use the love triangle as an opportunity for characters to grow and change. This will create a sense of depth and help readers become invested in the characters' journeys. 5. Play with different perspectives: Experiment with featuring different character perspectives to provide a fresh take on the love triangle. This could include alternating between the perspectives of the characters caught in the love triangle or introducing other characters that can offer a unique view on the situation. 6. Introduce external factors: Introduce external factors or pressures that add conflict and complexity to the love triangle. These could include societal expectations, geographical distance, or other relationships that make the situation more difficult for the characters to navigate. 7. Make the relationships believable: Avoid overly idealized depictions of relationships or characters that are too perfect. Instead, showcase messy, realistic relationships, which can make the love triangle feel more relatable and grounded. 8. Create emotional tension: Build emotional tension between the characters by incorporating moments of vulnerability, secrecy, or betrayal. This will keep readers engaged and invested in the love triangle's outcome. 9. Highlight the different dynamics between the characters: In order to make the love triangle truly intriguing, it's important to show how the relationships between each pair of characters differ. This can be displayed through differing communication styles, values, or levels of emotional intimacy. 10. Consider the aftermath: Don't shy away from exploring the emotional consequences of the love triangle's resolution. Demonstrating how each character copes with or grows from the outcome will create a more satisfying conclusion and add emotional depth to the story.
question:What other benefits and consequences besides Emotional ones of Getting with a certain character could the protagonist consider?
answer:1. Social benefits and consequences: The protagonist may consider how their relationship with a certain character will affect their social standing, reputation, or how they are perceived by others. This could be both positive, such as gaining new friends or support from the community, or negative, such as becoming a target of gossip or losing friends who disapprove of the relationship. 2. Financial factors: The protagonist might weigh the financial benefits and consequences of being with a specific character, such as a character with a stable job and economic security, or conversely, someone who may be struggling financially and could prove to be a burden. 3. Compatibility: The protagonist may consider factors like shared values, interests, and life goals to determine whether they would have a fulfilling long-term relationship with a certain character. 4. Family dynamics: The influence of family can play a significant role in relationships. The protagonist may take into account how a relationship with a certain character will impact their relationship with family members, as well as how they might feel about the character's family. 5. Career and ambition: A relationship might impact the protagonist's career aspirations, personal ambitions, or long-term goals. They may consider whether the character will support and encourage them, or possibly hold them back. 6. Personal growth and development: The protagonist may consider whether being with a particular character will contribute positively to their self-improvement, self-discovery, or personal growth, or if the relationship might limit or prevent their development. 7. Emotional support and stability: Assessing the character's ability to provide emotional support and stability during difficult times is essential. The protagonist may consider whether a specific character can offer unwavering support, understanding, and encouragement. 8. Trust and commitment: The protagonist may analyze whether they can trust the character to be loyal and committed in their relationship or whether there's potential for betrayal and infidelity. 9. Security and safety: Emotional security is essential, but the protagonist may also need to consider physical safety and well-being. They may question if the character can protect and support them during a crisis or any other challenging situation. 10. Future considerations: In evaluating a potential partnership, the protagonist may think about long-term implications, such as marriage, children, or growing old together. They may be concerned with whether a specific character is someone they can envision a future with or not.