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question:What if Rohit Shetty directed Interstellar?

answer:Ajay Devgn will make entry standing on two spaceships'They' who created Tesseract would be non other than Rohit Shetty because he is the only person who could fuck gravity to and fro vigorouslyAjay Devgn will find black money hidden in tesseract and he would distribute that black money to garib people through that book shelf

question:What are the pros/cons of using alcohol vs. marijuana?

answer:They are both bad, in different ways. People think marijuana is a panacea, but it has many drawbacks. Marijuana can and will induce psychosis. It’s not as harmless as people make it out to be. Marijuana has a high degree of neurotoxicity, so that is why people who use it regularly become stupider and stupider. It literally kills your neurons Ask any psychiatrist and any neurologist. Marijuana can trigger derealization and depersonalization. Tons of people struggle with it after smoking it...

question:w do liberals propose funding their nice programs when the US owes over 20 trillion dollars in public debt with over 100 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and a 688 billion dollar annual federal budget deficit?

answer:Your question is based on a ridiculous premise, and demonstrates a gross ignorance both of the nature of the US debt, its origins, its maintenance, and social spending obligations. The “nice” liberal programs you seem to be mocking by the derisive tone of your question are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Last time I looked, there were literally tens of millions of conservative voters benefiting from these programs, most of whom would be shocked to learn that you think we can’t afford them. Which is why, politically, whenever cutting these programs come up as the result of the latest Republican tax cut for the rich they are never mentioned by name. Second, the size of the debt is outrageous, but only because the same conservatives who decry it are the ones responsible for it. Ronald Reagan and both Bushes cut taxes without regard to legally mandated spending obligations (that is to say, obligations passed by Congress and signed into law by past presidents, and Reagan, Bush and Bush), purposefully running deficits. Bush Jr even squandered a budget surplus bequeathed to him by Bill Clinton, then oversaw the destruction of the global economy with its accompanying collapse in tax revenues, guaranteeing that any president who followed him, Republican or Democrat, would be stuck with massive budget deficits for years to come. Why, because again, past Congresses mandated spending obligations that must be met by law. Third, noting that the size of the debt is 20 trillion is meaningless. As a percent of GDP the debt it not the highest it has ever been, and it is partially as big as it is because of deficit spending in an economy that is far larger today, in spite of the calamity of the Bush Jr administration, than it was when Ronald Reagan took office. It is about relativity. If you owe 1 mm, I’m assuming you would have a great deal of trouble paying that back. If Bill Gates owes 100 mm, he could write a check and not even notice. Same with governments. Finally, liberals keep explaining how we would, and do, pay for our programs. Social Security and Medicare are funded by payroll taxes, for example. How will Donald Trump fund the government if his proposed tax cuts for the wealthy, which the Brookings Institute has estimated will cost 10 to 12 trillion in increased debt over the next ten years, are enacted? How concerned will you be, dear OP, when he does? Or does that not count, since its just more Republican deficit spending? And when Ryan/McConnell abolish Medicare and Social Security to pay for it, how will you explain the reasons why to your voters?

question:w can we earn money by using ChatGpt and blogging?

answer:Yes you can earn as there are many ways and platforms available

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