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question:Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to make celery juice Wash your celery well before using. Dirt can become imbedded in the stalks and leaves. Soaking it for a few minutes in cold water and then scrubbing under running water should work well. OPTIONS: Scrub celery hard to remove dirt and bugs from it before adding the juice. Don't wring the water out of the rinds when you're done to avoid damaging the celery. Do not soak the celery. Peel and cut the celery finely. Unpeeled, frozen celery is at risk of bacteria as well as fungi. Slice the celery into thin slices. Choose crisp, fresh celery. It will have the highest concentration of vitamins and chlorophyll.

answer:Soaking it for a few minutes in cold water and then scrubbing under running water should work well.

question:Zoo<br>When we were in Chicago my friends and I went to the zoo. We spent the whole day there, observing the animals. The animals in the zoo appeared to be happy enough. However, by the end of the day my friend was very sad. She realized that seeing caged animals made her depressed. Can we draw the following conclusion? The monkeys in the zoo enjoy eating bananas OPTIONS: Yes It's impossible to say No

answer:It's impossible to say.

question:Write the following list of characters into a correctly formed sentence: TarnationObjective:Protectgardenbugs.Donotletthemreachthewater!Controls:Useyourmousetoselect...

answer:"To protect garden bugs, do not let them reach the water! Use your mouse to select controls in order to achieve this task while exclaiming 'tarnation'."

question:Please answer this question: Who, in 1642, constructed a mechanical calculating machine?

answer:Blaise Pascal.

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