question:Which is this about? CHICAGO (Sports Network) The Chicago Cubs Thursday declined to pick up the 2005 options on outfielder Moises Alou and second baseman Mark Grudzielanek, making the two veterans free agents. OPTIONS: World Sports Business Science/Tech
question:quamic: waterproof headpiece unique to the neptune system for use when swimming, bathing, or showering. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it correctly?
answer:Aquamic is a waterproof headpiece unique to the Neptune system for use when swimming, bathing, or showering.
question:ere is some data: Andrew Rayel, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Jwaydan Moyine; Andrew Rayel, genre, Trance music; Andrew Rayel, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Armin van Buuren; Andrew Rayel, activeYearsStartYear, 2009. Write a sentence that describes this d
answer:The data shows information about Andrew Rayel including his associated musical artists such as Jwaydan Moyine and Armin van Buuren, his genre which is Trance music, and his active years starting from 2009.
question:Article: Despite occasional theoretical diversity, the actual practice of translation has hardly changed since antiquity. Except for some extreme metaphrasers in the early Christian period and the Middle Ages, and adapters in various periods (especially preClassical Rome, and the 18th century), translators have generally shown prudent flexibility in seeking equivalents — literal where possible, paraphrastic where necessary — for the original meaning and other crucial values (e.g., style, verse form, concordance with musical accompaniment or, in films, with speech articulatory movements) as determined from context. Now answer this question: What have general been prudent about?
answer:Translators have generally been prudent about seeking equivalents for the original meaning and other crucial "values" such as style, verse form, concordance with musical accompaniment or, in films, with speech articulatory movements, as determined from context.