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question:h actress Mrs Dorothea Jordan was the mistress of which British monarch????

answer:Mrs Dorothea Jordan was the mistress of King William IV of England.

question:What does Richard Muller think of the Bhagavad Gita? What Does Richard Muller think of Bhagavad Gita? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? OPTIONS: no ye

answer:Yes, these two questions are paraphrases of each other.

question:Q: when did season 2 of glee come out?

answer:Season 2 of Glee came out in 2010.

question:Brain tissue consumes a large amount of energy in proportion to its volume, so large brains place severe metabolic demands on animals. The need to limit body weight in order, for example, to fly, has apparently led to selection for a reduction of brain size in some species, such as bats. Most of the brain's energy consumption goes into sustaining the electric charge (membrane potential) of neurons. Most vertebrate species devote between 2% and 8% of basal metabolism to the brain. In primates, however, the percentage is much higher—in humans it rises to 20–25%. The energy consumption of the brain does not vary greatly over time, but active regions of the cerebral cortex consume somewhat more energy than inactive regions; this forms the basis for the functional brain imaging methods PET, fMRI, and NIRS. The brain typically gets most of its energy from oxygendependent metabolism of glucose (i.e., blood sugar), but ketones provide a major alternative source, together with contributions from medium chain fatty acids (caprylic and heptanoic acids), lactate, acetate, and possibly amino acids. Try to answer this question if possible (otherwise reply unanswerable): Other sources than glucose that provide energy to the brain are what?

answer:Besides glucose, ketones, medium chain fatty acids (caprylic and heptanoic acids), lactate, acetate, and possibly amino acids are also alternative sources of energy for the brain.

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