question:zaokraglij do czesci setnych 0,141=
question:zaokraglij do jednosci 137,48=
answer:实习报告-国际货运公司销售员 一、实习背景和目的 我是一名大三的国际贸易专业学生,在完成学习课程的同时,我希望能够通过实习进一步了解和掌握国际贸易的实践操作。作为一名国际货运公司销售员的实习,我希望通过展开业务,提高销售技能,加深对国际贸易流程和运输方式等方面的理解,并将理论知识应用到实践中。 二、实习内容和工作收获 1. 客户拜访和跟踪。我在实习期间负责与潜在客户进行电话沟通和面对面拜访,了解他们的货运需求并提供相应的解决方案。并通过跟踪客户的进展情况和市场竞争对手的动态,不断优化销售策略。 2. 销售业绩管理。我参与了公司的销售业绩考核和目标设定,通过与同事们的交流和学习,了解如何分析销售数据、确定业绩目标和优化销售计划。通过实践,我学会了如何制定销售预测和销售报告,并通过不断改进和调整来提高销售业绩。 3. 知识培训与学习。实习期间,我参加了公司组织的多次培训,学习了关于国际贸易流程、运输方式和相关行业政策的知识,为我提供了更全面深入的国际货运知识和实践操作技能。 4. 团队协作能力的提升。在实习期间,我进一步提高了团队协作和沟通能力。与同事们共同完成销售工作,学会了如何协调和合作,并对多种文化下的团队合作有了更深入的理解。 三、难点和挑战 1. 销售的竞争压力。市场竞争激烈,竞争对手众多,如何突出自己的产品和服务成为销售的难点和挑战。 2. 沟通和语言能力。与客户和同事进行沟通和合作需要一定的语言和沟通能力,尤其是面对跨文化交流时,更需要学会尊重和理解不同的文化背景。 四、实习收获和体会 通过这次实习,我对国际货运行业有了更深入的了解,掌握了一定的销售技巧和方法。在销售过程中,我逐渐提高了自己的业务开拓能力和与客户有效沟通的能力。同时,也对跨文化交流有了更全面的认识,并锻炼了我的团队合作和解决问题的能力。 通过实习,我深刻认识到销售工作的重要性和挑战性,无论是在国内市场还是国际市场,销售都是企业发展的重要支撑。通过不断学习和实践,我相信我能够更好地应对销售工作中的挑战,并为国际货运公司的发展做出积极的贡献。 五、实习总结和展望 通过这次实习,我收获了很多,锻炼了自己的实践操作能力和销售技巧,对国际货运行业和跨文化交流有了更深入的了解。在未来的学习和职业发展中,我将会更加注重理论知识和实践操作的结合,不断提升自身的能力和素质。 通过这次实习,我也明确了自己对国际贸易行业的兴趣和未来的发展方向,并决心在该领域中不断学习、进步,并为公司和行业的发展做出更多的贡献。
question:Story prompt: An alien species known for conquering and spread of its imperialism, subjugation and sometimes enacting planet-wide genocides were capable of so because of their deadliest weapon, a plant native to their home planet that infects the soil with harmful materials, be it elements, compounds or more, effectively killing the planet and its inhabitants in a slow, painful way, oftentimes lasting centuries. They have done this to millions of planets and trillions of lives across countless galaxies. Earth was their next target. The aliens did as they normally did and sent the plants all across Earth. What they didn't expect was that what was deadly to millions of planets, was instead enriching Earth's soil to unimaginable levels, creating some of the most fertile soils across the observable universe.
answer:In the heart of the alien empire, on the distant planet of Xelaris, a council of high-ranking officials convened to discuss their impending conquest of Earth. For eons, the Xelarians had been unrelenting in their quest to expand their dominion, leaving a trail of destruction and decimation behind them. Their secret weapon, the deadly plant known as Necronia, had rendered countless galaxies barren wastelands, their inhabitants reduced to ashes. The Necronia plant had thrived on Xelaris due to its unique ability to extract and concentrate harmful elements from the soil, causing immense devastation wherever it took root. Its toxic properties allowed the Xelarians to dominate other species, as their homeworld had developed an immunity to its lethal effects over countless generations. With this powerful weapon in their arsenal, the Xelarians had become the ultimate conquerors, spreading their imperialism far and wide across the universe. The council members, calculating and emotionless, eagerly anticipated the impending demise of Earth. To them, it was merely another conquest, another stepping-stone towards amplifying their empire's influence. Large ships were dispatched to Earth, each filled to the brim with the Necronia seeds, ready to unleash this horrifying weapon upon humanity. But as the seeds were scattered across Earth's lush landscapes, their fatal effects never materialized. The vibrant greens of the plants began to intertwine with the fertile soil, creating a spectacle unlike any the Xelarians had ever witnessed. Instead of death and decay, life flourished like never before. Confusion reigned on Xelaris as the first reports arrived from Earth. Scientists and researchers marveled at the extraordinary fertility of Earth's soil, baffled by the unprecedented growth and abundance. The Necronia seeds, far from annihilating the planet, had triggered a chain reaction within Earth's unique ecosystem. The harmful elements that had decimated other worlds were transformed by Earth's complex array of microorganisms. Rather than causing devastation, the toxins were converted into vital nutrients, nourishing the soil and fueling the growth of vegetation. Earth's natural resilience had turned the tables on the ruthless Xelarians. News of Earth's astonishing prosperity reached the highest echelons of Xelarian society, igniting a mixture of fear, curiosity, and intrigue. The council met once more, debating the implications of this unexpected twist. Some advocated for an immediate invasion to curb this unforeseen threat, while others saw an opportunity for renewed intergalactic trade and alliance. Amongst them, a lone council member named Zara began to question their empire's modus operandi. What had given them dominance and power over others had only brought prosperity to Earth. Zara ventured into the vast library of Xelaris, delving into forgotten texts and ancient chronicles, searching for answers. As Zara unearthed knowledge from dusty tomes, a startling revelation emerged. It was a long-forgotten prophecy, buried deep within the annals of Xelarian history. The prophecy spoke of a small, unassuming planet that possessed the power to transform the Xelarian empire. This planet was none other than Earth. Determined to prevent further destruction, Zara brought the prophecy to the council's attention. The once-undisputed decision-makers grappled with the newfound perspective, grappling with the realization that their ultimate weapon had been rendered obsolete on Earth. The council finally reached a unanimous decision that would shape the future of their empire. Instead of domination, the Xelarians embraced collaboration. Formal negotiations were initiated with Earth, as Xelarian technology and resources flowed towards the planet they had once sought to conquer. The two civilizations began to exchange knowledge, fostering a newfound era of cooperation and harmony. Earth, once on the brink of extinction, turned its painful past into a source of strength. Its fertile soils, fed by the unexpected gifts of the Necronia plants, became the foundation for a prosperous and enlightened future. And as the Xelarians and humans forged friendships amidst the stars, the deep scars caused by centuries of conquest slowly began to heal, birthing a shared destiny that would reverberate throughout the cosmos.