question:What is the etymology of the word dragon?
answer:The word "dragon" comes from the Middle French word "dragon" or "dreagon", which derives from the Latin word "draco" meaning "dragon" or "serpent".
question:Who are some notable AfricanAmerican writers from the 20th century?
answer:Some notable African-American writers from the 20th century include Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Ralph Ellison, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Richard Wright, and August Wilson.
question:What is Araneomorphae and how are they different from mygalomorphs?
answer:Araneomorphae is a suborder of spiders characterized by having fangs that move sideways and a web with an irregular pattern. They are different from mygalomorphs, another suborder of spiders, whose fangs move up and down and whose webs have a funnel-like structure.
question:What was the impact of the purges and show trials under Stalin's rule on the Soviet Union?
answer:The purges and show trials under Stalin's rule had a devastating impact on the Soviet Union, leading to the imprisonment, exile, and murder of millions of people. The purges created a climate of fear and suspicion, stifling dissent and creativity, and weakening many aspects of Soviet society, including the military and economy. The loss of so many talented and experienced individuals also had long-term effects on Soviet industry and culture.