question:Writing Prompt: A thin and fit woman has only one flaw, she's odious towards overweight people. Her boyfriend is tired of how extreme she is and thanks to him being the cook at home decides to subtly make the food he feeds her much more fattening.
answer:Alice was a woman admired by many for her toned physique. Always active and conscious about her health, she appeared to have it all together. However, her attitude towards overweight people left much to be desired. Alice couldn't help but judge those who didn't meet her strict standards of fitness, letting her disdain permeate her interactions and conversations. On the other hand, Alice's boyfriend, David, was a compassionate and understanding man. Despite Alice's flaw, he loved her deeply, hoping that with time she would come to see the error in her ways. One evening, as they sat down for dinner, an idea began to form in David's mind. Rather than confronting Alice directly, he thought he could show her the value of empathy and acceptance through a series of subtle changes to the way he cooked their meals. Unbeknownst to Alice, David secretly adjusted the recipes to make their meals considerably more fattening. He didn't intend to harm her but rather hoped that by experiencing the effects of weight gain firsthand, she would become more empathetic and kinder towards others. This silent plan was his small attempt to encourage personal growth without confrontation. Weeks turned into months, and David's subtle additions to their meals began to bear fruit. Alice's once-toned body gradually lost its definition, her clothes becoming tighter and her energy levels flagging. At first, Alice didn't pay much attention, believing that her devotion to exercise would counterbalance any changes she may have experienced. But as time went on, she started noticing the extra weight she was gaining. Confused and frustrated, Alice confided in David one evening. "Something's not right, David. Despite sticking to my usual routine, I'm putting on weight. It's so hard to stay fit these days." David looked at Alice with a gentle smile, "Sometimes, it's not just about what we do physically to maintain fitness. It's about how we treat others and show empathy, understanding, and acceptance." Alice glanced at David, her eyes filled with confusion. She began to connect the dots, realizing the significance of his words. Realization dawned on her, and she felt a pang of guilt for her previous judgmental behavior. David continued, "I've been subtly altering our meals to help you understand the challenges faced by those you look down on. I wanted to show you that weight gain isn't always a result of laziness or lack of effort, but can also stem from various circumstances beyond an individual's control." Alice's eyes welled up with tears of remorse. She reached across the table to hold David's hand. "I'm so sorry, David. I can't believe I let my own prejudices blind me. Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson." From that day forward, Alice made a conscious effort to change her attitude. She started educating herself about body positivity and the struggles people faced with weight management. Alice actively sought opportunities to promote kindness, support, and acceptance in her daily life, hoping to make amends for her previous behavior. The extra weight that Alice had gained began to fade away as she regained control over her physical fitness. However, more importantly, she had transformed her perception of others, choosing empathy over judgment and understanding over prejudice. Through David's act of gentle guidance, Alice learned the power of acceptance and the importance of becoming a better person from the inside out.
question:9、 某公司生产某型飞机整体壁板的方案设计生产能力为100件/年,每件售价P为6万元,方案年固定成本F为80万元,单位可变成本V为每件4万元,销售税金Z为每件200元。若公司要求经营安全率在55%以上,试评价该技术方案。
answer:首先,计算每件产品的制造成本为可变成本+销售税金,即4万元+200元=4.2万元。 然后,计算每年的总制造成本为制造成本*生产能力,即4.2万元*100件=42万元。 接下来,计算每年的总成本为固定成本+总制造成本,即80万元+42万元=122万元。 然后,计算每年的销售收入为售价*生产能力,即6万元*100件=600万元。 最后,计算经营安全率为(销售收入-总成本)/ 销售收入,即(600万元-122万元)/ 600万元=78%. 经营安全率为78%,高于要求的55%以上,说明该技术方案具有良好的经营安全性。
question:10、 试例举提高产品价值的5种途径。
answer:提高产品价值的5种途径: 1. 创新设计和技术:通过研发新的技术和创新设计,使产品具有更高的性能、功能或者更吸引消费者的外观设计,提高产品的附加值。 2. 优化品质和可靠性:通过提高产品的品质和可靠性,使产品更加持久耐用、性能稳定,能够满足消费者的需求并获得更高的信赖度,提高产品的价值。 3. 定制和个性化服务:根据消费者的需求和偏好,提供个性化的产品定制和服务。通过与消费者的互动和沟通,满足他们的个性化需求,增加产品的附加值。 4. 增加功能和附件:增加产品的功能和配套附件,提供更多的使用场景和便利性,使消费者获得更多的价值感和体验,增加产品的市场竞争力。 5. 增强品牌形象和故事:通过品牌塑造和营销故事,创造独特的品牌形象和品牌价值观。通过品牌的溢价效应,提高产品的认知度和品牌价值,增加产品的市场吸引力。
question:was this genrated by ai " The emphasis on creating emotional connection when it comes to fans that’s what makes sports marketing different from other types of marketing courses . The focus on live events and living the moment , the endorsement and sponsorships , the seasonal aspect and the ultization of unique marketing channels . All these factors combine into the nature of sports marketing"
answer:Yes, it is possible that this text was generated by AI. However, without additional context or knowledge of the source, it is difficult to determine for certain.