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question:Are these paraphrases? Sakura Spirit is a visual novel released by Winged Cloud in 2014 and developed by Sekai Project . Sakura Spirit is a 2014 visual novel developed by Winged Cloud and published by Sekai Project . OPTIONS: no ye


question:Would the following sentence, by the strictest standards, be considered correct by a linguist? She speaks too clearly. OPTIONS: unacceptable acceptable


question:Atlantic City, New Jersey The first boardwalk was built in 1870 along a portion of the beach in an effort to help hotel owners keep sand out of their lobbies. Businesses were restricted and the boardwalk was removed each year at the end of the peak season. Because of its effectiveness and popularity, the boardwalk was expanded in length and width, and modified several times in subsequent years. The historic length of the boardwalk, before the destructive 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane, was about 7 miles (11 km) and it extended from Atlantic City to Longport, through Ventnor and Margate. Q: In what year was the first boardwalk built in Atlantic City?

answer:The first boardwalk was built in Atlantic City in 1870.

question:Add spaces: CouldIpossiblyacquireAltaWhiteTeethwhiteninginCapeTownSouthAfricaonlineorisitpossibletoobtainriskfreetrialsampleofthisathometeethwhiteningsystemtolightenupmyyellowishtoothathomeinCapeTown?Withthementionedabovebenefits,itcomesasnowonderthatAltaWhitehasstartedtobecomeverypopulartothegeneralpublic.

answer:Could I possibly acquire Alta White Teeth whitening in Cape Town, South Africa online? Or is it possible to obtain a risk-free trial sample of this at-home teeth whitening system to lighten up my yellowish tooth at home in Cape Town? With the mentioned above benefits, it comes as no wonder that Alta White has started to become very popular to the general public.

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