question:the BJP government responsible for the poor GDP growth rate?
answer:Any doubt
question:What happens if a dog bites a FedEx driver?
answer:The driver could sue the dog's owner.
question:What is the most horrible thing you have seen while in a mental hospital?
answer:My self being tied up with this leather cuffs, that was horrible, and i also saw a lady which lives in there and they called her “the baby” it was a super fat lady tied to a bed and they said she behaves like a baby, that was disturbing.
question:f you could go back and change one event in history, what would it be?
answer:The Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979. Khomenie's return to Iran turned prospering dictatorship into into a 15th Century theocracy overnight. Iran was on path to becoming a westernized democracy. This worsened the West's relationships with the Middle East and its consequences. Fortunately, the Iranian Revolution did occur. That meant I grew up to be American instead of Iranian.