question:Is it possible to have a conditional format that does the following: If the entire values of range B2:B17 match the entire values of range I2:I17 Then apply conditional format. So that if only one value within the range does not match the conditional format is not applied
answer:Yes, it is possible to create a conditional format with such a condition. Follow the steps below: 1. Select the range B2:B17. 2. Go to the Home tab in the Excel ribbon. 3. Click on Conditional Formatting in the Styles group. 4. Select New Rule. 5. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, choose "Use a formula to determine which cells to format". 6. In the Format values where this formula is true field, enter the following formula: `=AND(B2:B17=I2:I17, COUNTIF(B2:B17, "<>")=0)` This formula checks if every value in the range B2:B17 matches the corresponding value in range I2:I17, and also ensures that there are no non-matching values (i.e., the count of non-matching values is zero). 7. Click on the Format button and choose the desired formatting options (e.g., background color, font style, etc.). 8. Click OK to apply the conditional format. Now, if all the values in range B2:B17 match the corresponding values in range I2:I17, the conditional format will be applied to the range. If there is even a single non-matching value, the conditional format will not be applied.
question:In your formula, what doe the "<>" represent
answer:Apologies for the error. The "<>" in the formula represents "not equal to" in Excel. So, the corrected formula should be: `=AND(B2:B17=I2:I17, COUNTIF(B2:B17, "<>")=0)` This formula checks if every value in the range B2:B17 matches the corresponding value in range I2:I17 and ensures that there are no non-matching values.
question:formula does not work
answer:I apologize for the confusion. It seems that the formula I provided earlier is not suitable for your specific condition. To apply the conditional format only when all the values in the range B2:B17 match the corresponding values in the range I2:I17, you can use the following formula: 1. Select the range B2:B17. 2. Go to the Home tab in the Excel ribbon. 3. Click on Conditional Formatting in the Styles group. 4. Select New Rule. 5. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, choose "Use a formula to determine which cells to format". 6. In the Format values where this formula is true field, enter the following formula: `=COUNTIF(B2:B17,"<>" & I2:I17)=0` This formula counts the number of non-matching values between the two ranges and checks if the count is zero (indicating that all values match). 7. Click on the Format button and choose the desired formatting options (e.g., background color, font style, etc.). 8. Click OK to apply the conditional format. This updated formula should evaluate correctly and apply the conditional format only when all the values in range B2:B17 match the corresponding values in range I2:I17.
question:Still does not work
answer:I apologize for the confusion. It seems that the previous formula is not suitable for your specific condition. To apply the conditional format only when all the values in the range B2:B17 match the corresponding values in the range I2:I17, you can use the following approach: 1. Select the range B2:B17. 2. Go to the Home tab in the Excel ribbon. 3. Click on Conditional Formatting in the Styles group. 4. Select New Rule. 5. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, choose "Use a formula to determine which cells to format". 6. In the Format values where this formula is true field, enter the following formula: `=AND(COUNTIF(B2:B17, "<>" & I2:I17) = 0, COUNTIF(I2:I17, "<>" & B2:B17) = 0)` This formula uses the COUNTIF function to check if there are no non-matching values in both directions between the ranges B2:B17 and I2:I17. 7. Click on the Format button and choose the desired formatting options (e.g., background color, font style, etc.). 8. Click OK to apply the conditional format. This updated formula should evaluate correctly and apply the conditional format only when all the values in range B2:B17 match the corresponding values in range I2:I17.