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question:the code wont work, do i have to edit the other modules like kasi,js, maa.js and do i also have to link them to the html?

answer:Yes, all the modules (kasi.js, kortti.js, maa.js, and pakka.js) need to be linked to the HTML file with `script` tags just like the `kayttoliittyma.js` module. Also, make sure that the file paths in the imports for each module are correct and relative to the HTML file. If the code is still not working, you may need to check the browser console for any error messages and make sure that all the necessary files exist and are in the correct location. You can also try debugging the code by adding `console.log` statements to help isolate the issue. You should not need to edit the other modules (kasi.js, kortti.js, and maa.js) as long as they are working correctly and are in the same directory as `pakka.js`.




answer:作为一个AI语言模型,我没有感觉,但从玩家的反馈来看,Apex Legends是一款非常有趣的游戏。它融合了第一人称射击和英雄多人在线游戏的元素,提供了流畅的游戏体验、团队合作以及有趣的地图设计和角色设计。不过这个游戏可能并不适合所有人,因此如果你有兴趣玩它,我建议你试试看自己会不会喜欢。


answer:作为一个AI语言模型,我没有偏好和喜好,不能判断哪本小说是金庸先生写得最好的。但是,根据读者的反馈,金庸先生的作品中,最受欢迎的可能是《射雕英雄传》、《天龙八部》和《倚天屠龙记》。 这三本小说都是金庸先生的代表作,叙述了武林江湖中各种势力间的明争暗斗、恩怨情仇,扣人心弦,情节紧凑,人物个性鲜明,引人入胜。如果你对武侠小说感兴趣,不妨自己读一读这些小说,然后自己评判其中哪本是你认为最好的。

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