question:The purpose of this program is to create a program that is the beginning of a custom library to retrieve time values that will be imported by another program in order for the function(s) within it can be called.In this function: create a function called get_date_time return the current date from the now() method of datetime will not perform any calculations or print statements when this program is executed by its name. Exercise Notes: The program does not need a __main__ because it is meant to be imported Functions must be named exactly as listed above Grading: Grading will be based upon whether the requirements are met and if the code executes without errors or warnings to complete the requirements. Partial credit may be granted, if code is there to support it when a requirement has not been met. The submitted program must work with python3.8 and on the classroom machine. # Modules to import def get_date_time(): pass
answer:from datetime import datetime def get_date_time(): """ Returns the current date and time. Returns: datetime: The current date and time. """ return
question:Write pseudocode for a version of the Fast Fourier Transform (fft) for the case where n is a power of 3, dividing the input vector into three subvectors, solving the problem recursively on them, and combining the solutions of the subproblems. Write the recursive relation for the execution time of the program and solve the recursive relation by the central theorem.
answer:Pseudocode: ``` function fft_3n(a): n = length(a) if n == 1: return a omega_n = e^(-2 * pi * i / n) omega = 1 # Divide the input vector into three subvectors a0 = [a[3*i] for i in range(n//3)] a1 = [a[3*i + 1] for i in range(n//3)] a2 = [a[3*i + 2] for i in range(n//3)] # Recursive calls y0 = fft_3n(a0) y1 = fft_3n(a1) y2 = fft_3n(a2) # Initialize combined output array y = [complex(0,0)] * n # Combine solutions from subproblems for j in range(n//3): y[j] = y0[j] + omega * y1[j] + omega^2 * y2[j] y[j + n//3] = y0[j] + omega^(j+1) * y1[j] + omega^(2*(j+1)) * y2[j] y[j + 2 * n//3] = y0[j] + omega^(2*j+2) * y1[j] + omega^(4*(j+1)) * y2[j] # Update omega value omega = omega * omega_n return y ``` Recursive relation: The execution time of the above algorithm can be represented by the recursive relation: ``` T(n) = 3*T(n/3) + O(n) ``` Solving the relation using Master theorem: In the equation T(n) = a*T(n/b) + O(n^c), we have a = 3, b = 3, and c = 1. Since a = b^c, the Master theorem states that the asymptotic behavior of the algorithm will be characterised by the product O(n^c * log(n)). Therefore, the execution time for this program is: ``` T(n) = O(n * log(n)) ```
question:Painea din hrisca edte indicata la durerile de gastrita?
answer:Nu există suficiente cercetări care să susțină că pâinea de hrișcă este indicată pentru a trata durerile de gastrită. Cu toate acestea, hrișca este o sursă bună de carbohidrați complecși și fibre, care pot ajuta la menținerea unei diete echilibrate și sănătoase în cazul gastritei. Este important să discutați cu un medic sau un nutriționist înainte de a introduce pâinea de hrișcă sau orice alt aliment în dieta dumneavoastră.
question:Quien es el mejor del mundo del futbol,messi o cristiano?
answer:Soy un modelo de lenguaje de inteligencia artificial y no tengo la capacidad de tener una opinión personal. Ambos jugadores son considerados como unos de los mejores futbolistas del mundo. Sin embargo, quién es mejor depende de la opinión individual de cada persona y puede ser objeto de controversia.