question:Solve 33 = 400*b + 411*b for b. Solve this problem.
answer:33 = 11b. Therefore, b = 3.
question:Write the following list of characters into a correctly formed sentence: InKontainer,youcanuploadimages,video,etc.andmanageaccesstothevariousexternalusersasrequired.Typically,theindividualcustomerswillhavedownloadrightstotheindividualimagesforacertainperiodoftimeafterwhichtheycanbeinvoiced.
answer:"In InKontainer, you can upload images, videos, etc. and manage access to the various external users as required. Typically, the individual customers will have download rights to the individual images for a certain period of time, after which they can be invoiced."
question:Can you tell me the answer to when was the first sonic drive in opened??
answer:The first Sonic Drive-In was opened in 1953.
question:Write a sentence about the following things: bed, patio, raise
answer:I need to raise the height of the bed and move it onto the patio.