question:Continue writing the next sentence. A man takes a comb and a pair of scissors and starts to cut the hair above the comb and then combs it to the front of the man's head. The male then turns and the middle of the hair begins to get trimmed. next OPTIONS: is the sides and the same actions are repeated until the hair is finished. the ends of the hair are trimmed till they look as if they are trimmed with the digital scissors before tattooing him. , the mans style is final and after about an hour, the hair is combed all around the top of the man's head. , the male runs into the brown haired boy and is shown standing behind a table with a girl sitting in front of a food dish and talking.
answer:The sides are then trimmed using the same actions until the hair is finished.
question:What is the most logical completion of this news story?. By Mark Duell An estate agent called a prospective tenant a ‘f***ing liar’ and a ‘very silly little girl’ after she missed a flat viewing because her car had exploded en route, text messages revealed today. Ashlie Hamlyn was sent the abusive messages by Clarendon Estates owner Steve Charlton after she missed an appointment when her Volkswagen Polo burst into flames while she was driving. After the 25yearold bar worker from Braunstone, Leicestershire, offered this explanation, the estate agent was initially sympathetic but minutes later he sent a text calling her a ‘f***ing liar’. Shocked: Bar worker Ashlie Hamlyn (pictured), of Braunstone, Leicestershire was sent the abusive messages after she missed an appointment when her Volkswagen Polo burst into flames while she was driving He said: ‘I did send the message, and for that I have apologised to OPTIONS: Ashlie Hamlyn. Braunstone. Clarendon Estates. Hamlyn. Leicestershire. Mark Duell. Steve Charlton. Volkswagen Polo.
answer:The most logical completion of this news story is that Steve Charlton apologized to Ashlie Hamlyn.
question:Premise: The pretty bride is holding a purple bouquet while she is walking with the man. Hypothesis: There is a wedding today. .Can we conclude that the hypothesis is true if the premise is true? OPTIONS: yes it is not possible to tell no
question:Generate a sentence that includes all the following words: chair, clock, wall
answer:The clock on the wall is ticking behind the chair.