question:ere is some data: Bandeja paisa, ingredient, Avocado; Bandeja paisa, country, Colombian cuisine; Avocado, family, Lauraceae; Bandeja paisa, region, Paisa Region. Write a sentence that describes this d
answer:The data includes information about the Bandeja paisa dish and its ingredients, the Colombian cuisine and the Paisa Region, as well as the family of the avocado fruit (Lauraceae).
question:elColomberofferscomfortable,roomswithprivatebathroomswithmoderncommodities,ample,relaxinggroundswithswimmingpool,andatraditionalrestaurantwithoutdoorseating. Please segment the words.
answer:Hotel Colomber offers comfortable rooms with private bathrooms with modern commodities, ample, relaxing grounds with swimming pool, and a traditional restaurant with outdoor seating. Segmented: - Hotel - Colomber - offers - comfortable - rooms - with - private - bathrooms - with - modern - commodities - ample - relaxing - grounds - with - swimming - pool - and - a - traditional - restaurant - with - outdoor - seating.
question:ere are some concepts: deity, offer, prayer What is a sentence about these concepts?
answer:People offer prayers to their chosen deities.
question:Answer this question: how many seasons are in dragon ball super??
answer:Dragon Ball Super has 1 season consisting of 131 episodes.