question:1962, the Supreme Court addressed the issue of officiallysponsored prayer or religious recitations in public schools. In Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), the Court, by a vote of 61, determined it unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and require its recitation in public schools, even when the prayer is nondenominational and students may excuse themselves from participation. (The prayer required by the New York State Board of Regents prior to the Court's decision consisted of: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country. Amen.) As the Court stated: What was the case in 1962 where the Supreme Court addressed the issue of officially sponsored school prayer? (If the question is unanswerable, say unanswerable)
answer:The case was Engel v. Vitale.
question:patchadjunctinthepreventionofhairlossThepatchduetoitsspecialstructuremodulatesthegradualreleaseoftheactiveingredientsinaprogressivemannerthroughou... Please segment the words.
answer:patch adjunct in the prevention of hair loss The patch due to its special structure modulates the gradual release of the active ingredients in a progressive manner throughout... Segmented words: patch, adjunct, in, the, prevention, of, hair, loss, The, patch, due, to, its, special, structure, modulates, the, gradual, release, of, the, active, ingredients, in, a, progressive, manner, throughout.
question:ere is a dialogue: Susan: so your flyin 2moro? Patel: :( i have to Susan: what time is your flight? Patel: 5.30 in the morning Susan: I guess i better say goodbye now Patel: I miss you already. I'll be back in two weeks tho, Susan: it's gonna be very long two weeks. Patel: I know. but we haev to go through it somehow Write a short summary!
answer:Patel is flying tomorrow at 5.30 in the morning and will be gone for two weeks. Susan expresses sadness about his departure, and Patel assures her that they will make it through the two weeks apart.
question:This is an email Tana and Marie: We need over here copies of the following agreements so that we can send out default notices to counterparties that have failed to post margin. Margin letters were sent out on November 27 and margin is due by the end of today: Media General, Inc. 7132000 ISDA Societe Generale Paris 12997 Master Swap Agreement Wabash Valley Power Association 1102001 Master Energy Purchase and Sale Agreement El Paso Electric Company 1222001 Master Power Agreement Merced Irrigation District 32599 ISDA Eugene Water & Electric Board (City of Eugene) 10302000 ISDA City of Shasta Lake 11212000 Master power Agreement City of Sanata Clara California 91099 Master Power Agreement Snohomish PUD No. 1 1262001 Master Power Agreement Valley Electric Association Inc. 2132001 Master power Agreement Colorado River Commission 662000 Master Power Agreement What is the subject of this email?
answer:Request for Copies of Agreements to Send Default Notices.